Book-out day!
Why is my tagboard being spammed by all these spyware artists or sth like that..?
I have finally ended my confinement period and get to book out of that forsaken island! if not for the short hari raya break, i would have been cut from civilisation for 16 days straight. might sound short, but to me it seems i have been stuck on that island for many ages. so much has happened within that time.
I kinda gotten used to the place and lifestyle, experienced muscle aches, blisters, fatigue, hours in the hot sun, sweating a river almost everyday. I became much darker and fitter though. I could feel the change in such a short time.
Today i experience such freedom and luxury that i have since become accustomed to not having... so many things we take for granted, like hot water, a nice bed and room that you dont always need to tidy, computer usage, 7 hours of sleep, the freedom to wake up whenever you want, fix your own schedule, and see the sunlight when you arise. These are the things i am deprived of in there, and it feels just so good to have it back now.
Sadly theres not much time left in my haven. Soon ill be back there for more and worse.
Coming up next is 6 days of field camp - staying in the jungle! to some it sounds like fun, but it wont be once we find out what goes on in there... wish me luck!