
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The recent 2013

I know I haven't been updating much, but that don't mean nothing is happening in my life. Perhaps too much stuff had been happening till blogging sinks to a shadowy corner of my mental to-do list. Its now a new year already - so quickly. And the recent months of 2013 had been a memorable time filled with activity.

Mid-December marked the end of the Fall 2013 semester - my most hectic semester yet and to come, with 6 full modules in 3.5 months. All part time work was put on hold, but that was still not enough to save me from sometimes getting up to my neck with assignments and tests to study for. I wonder how some ppl managed to continue working though...
Furthermore, stressful situations work its magic at turning even cool people bonkers, and make good friends grab each other's throats over projects and assignments... If they are working in the same group, that is. I see that pattern every semester, it gets interesting. All the drama and politics that went on during this semester were a real eye opener; that I couldn't wait to get out of, but looking back is a valuable experience that helped to strengthen some bonds.
Oh, and my results turned out better than expected. Mainly because I expected it bad.

Straight after the final exams week came the annual JYM camp, which provided me some motivation before and an extra cause to rejoice after the semester ended.
The camp was good, all activities went well, sessions were inspiring (sometimes funny), and I was in an awesome group which I would be glad to have for long term. The camaraderie I felt was even more that what was ever built during the 2 years of Tinkerbird. The group fared rather badly at games though, perhaps because I wasn't playing. Instead I was a game master for all the games, but delegated to insignificant roles due to accidentally missing the one and only pre-camp games meeting. As a punishment, my game master roles mainly involved sitting and waiting at a quiet corner and waiting for people to come. Reference: banker, base ic, remote villager. I guess it would be more fun if I had been playing the games instead. But the rest of the camp made up for it anyway.

My trip to Melbourne was just over the weekend after camp, and lasted over the peak festive period, with Christmas and new year spent abroad, making it the second time spending Christmas/new year overseas, after Disney.
It was my long-awaited and planned-for holiday, which didn't disappoint me. I expected much, and got much - making it probably my most enjoyed holiday so far.
Going together with 3 others from the connect cell, some commented we were a most unusual mix of people to go on holiday together. But it turns out this unusual mix mixed well after all... its good to experiment sometimes!
What made this holiday enjoyable: free and easy, great company, having a local friend (which comes with tour guide and planning service, free accommodation at his place, and connections with his family and friends), and a good taste of authentic local aussie life, away from the touristy façade. Of course, the environment there is lovely as well - from the weather to the culture, and the landscape everywhere.

Now that im back and the festive season is over, life seems to drop drastically back down to the ordinary, and its time to find work again. The sianness. Fortunately, school isn't gonna start till another 2 weeks time.


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