Entry requirements?
So, there has since been the passing of Jiamin's dad... a non christian. and together with something my dad was talking about yesterday, it just led me to think about this question.
What is the requirement to be saved and enter heaven? i always thought i knew the answer. not until i started thinking about it and realised there has been conflicts with my concept that i knew about all along but only realised now.
i always thought that the requirement for entering heaven is simply to accept Jesus as your saviour. and everyone who believes in Jesus and that He is the way to heaven, will be able to accept the 'antidote' for death by sin. that is a rather textbook answer, makes sense and simple to follow. and im sure many follow this concept.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
according to this famous verse, EVERYONE who believes is saved.
But then there is now the question as to whether a relationship or a godly life is needed prior to physical death. if it does, it would make matters much more complicated, but it seems to be a factor.
Mat 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
as can be seen here, a good relationship with God is required too, as well as doing God's will. this places on the edge all those people who do believe in Jesus as their saviour, but yet live a secular lifestyle day to day, not having much of God in their life. and this makes up a really large segment of believers in today's world.
are they saved after all?
and then yet another verse pops out and clouds both sides.
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
seeing from this, nobody is worthy to enter the kingdom by right. regardless of godly lifestyle or a life of sin, all still have sinned. so something has to intervene and bring about salvation, which is none other than the grace of God.
it might seem that this verse clearly supports the stand of "only faith needed", but think carefully, it does not mean that there isnt an extra requirement of relationship in addition to grace of God. after all, if it were really salvation to anyone as long as they believe, it would be open to lots of abuse.
firstly, abuse by those who purposely wait until they are about to die before accepting Christ, so that they need not be tied down by the restrictions of a chrisitan life, or secondly those who believe, but blatantly refuse to follow a godly life since its not needed for entering heaven.
So then my dad was talking about some system after death. he proposed that there should be a system where after people die, they will be brought to a place where they will be given one last sermon and the gospel shared with them, giving them one last chance to accept Christ. non believers in life, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the stillborns will somehow have understanding given to them, the sick will be restored so that the word will be put across to them for them to make the choice. and if they do accept, then they may enter heaven, last minute.
i told him, "then obviously everyone would accept what... "
they may accept because the answer is just in their face - so directly and clearly shown to them that it is the way to heaven. or they may accept because they have nothing to lose and dont wanna risk it being true and then going to hell. it is so open to abuse. and if there is this system, then there is no need to bring people to christ while they are still alive. all this urgency to save the non believers on earth would be for nothing.
he further argued that "isnt it good that everyone gets saved? isnt that what God wants?"
well obviously thats what God wants. but there is a reason that is never concluded, that God would choose to allow sin to enter the world. to allow Satan to rule the world. to not intervene and let the world reach its situation today that so many do not know God and are living in sin.
God could do anything. He could create man such that they cannot and will not sin. He could create signs and wonders everywhere in the world, reveal himself to everyone and provide rock-solid evidence of His existence and that He is the way to heaven. but He chose not to, and only in faith would someone believe in Him. that is yet another very controversial topic which i shall not think so much about for now.
indeed, if it was so easy to believe in God, and the benefits for doing so so clearly shown, then yes everyone would believe im sure. but then that would certainly be open to abuse by those who believe for the sake of entering heaven, providing a cover of apparent christianity over their pagan hearts. like wolves in sheeps clothing. it would be harder to sift them out, and the term Chrisitian would mean nothing.
Jesus clearly despises such things to happen.
mat 23:27 "For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness."
clearly there is more expected of chrisitans than just believing and external rituals.
so then if relationship is a requirement for entering the kingdom, what extent of relationship? what is the quota of 'godliness' needed in ones life?
i cetainly have no idea.
and if just faith is enough, then is there really a need for all this godly life?
but whatever it is, i take peace in knowing that whichever of either is true, i am still truly saved nevertheless. Thanks be to God.