Dog's life
Last night, i visited Junting's blog and read the latest post there (at the time of visitation.) about his dog, and it brought back the memories of my own late dog. later on, kinda coincidentally, i went exploring around my comp's files and fcame across a file containing old pics that i never seen b4. they were probably taken by joel and he stored the pics in the comp b4 he got his laptop. And the pics included those of my dog. This stirred the memories further.
My dog's name is Ricky. Departed: 2 september 2003. 10 years of age. Unsure of cause of death. sth like heart failure but prolly caused by old age. Here's a pic of him i found. adorable, right? gee... im starting to miss him now. -.-
Ricky was with me since i was 5. he was 2 years old then... rescued from a nasty previous owner. im still unsure of his species. any1 can tell? he used to bully me when i was young. then later i bully him instead. i sometimes use him as a pillow and i liked to hug him real tight, squeezing him breathless. haha. he used to play catch with tiger tails too.
My dog also had his history of violence. When he was about 5, he fatally assaulted a neighbour's poodle, leaving holes in the poodle's stomach. the poor thing died not long after. When he was about 8, i was taking him for a walk and didnt leash him. he walked ahead of me, and encountered another dog. i was too late to stop him; he charged forward and got bitten on the neck. the dog, wich was abt 50% bigger, managed to grip the neck skin, carried him up in the air, and flung him aside. if not for the owner's restraining, Ricky may have ended up like angelo. he suffered 3 deep holes in the neck skin but recovered fully.
Ok. heres some differences and similarities between the deaths of mine & ting ting's dog.
- ricky died of old age sickness. angelo died from murder.
- ricky died with body intact. angelo's was mutilated.
- no owner witnessed angelo's death. but ricky died before my eyes.
- angelo died quickly. ricky had to suffer a few hours before death.
- angelo's death could be avoided if he was kept properly. but i couldnt do anything to save ricky
- both died very quickly and unexpectedly. (ricky still seemed healthy the day before. there was a few seizures, though.)
- both were buried. but ricky at a nearby desolate place, while angelo in the backyard. eeks.
Anyways... whats taken place cant be reversed. we just gotta accept that getting a pet would one day result in losing the pet.