
Saturday, August 05, 2006

update 5/8

Okay. this week was much less boring than last week. quite alot of stuff went on.

Firstly, my F&N coursework is finally over!! A blessed relief. The courseworks are really boring and tedious and takes up alot of time. Plus got to keep doing corrections den waste so much paper and ink. And whenever you make changes, u may have to change many other stuff in the other parts of the coursework so that the whole thing is consistent. super sian stuff.
On tuesday i did my execution on the coursework part B and on friday i handed up the whole part B, complete with evaluation. Part B is much less work than Part A, which was submitted on 25 june. (I wrote abit about it on my post on 2nd June.) Now, for F&N, i am free from the agony of coursework, but coming up are tons of past year papers! manz. looks like i still cant be free.

This week all my english lessons were focused on orals. On friday i had my prelim english oral and not far ahead comes my O lvl oral. Looked easy at first, but suddenly when my turn comes i became a bundle of nerves. Reading is ok. Picture not so good. Conversation sucks!

Upcoming is national day. like every year, the uniform groups will be the busiest during this period. Preparing for the NDP held in the school. This year im in the GOH section. More pressure to perform. Spent 3 consecutive days rehearsing the parade. So damn tired. And the ICs dun care. cant help it anyway. we started the rehearsals late.

Best news for last: my comp is fixed!! yeahh. For about 5 weeks i havn played Dota. And i miss it alot already. The problem of the comp lied in a very simple thing: faulty electrical connection. And i tried so many other ways in vain. Even wanted to buy a new comp.
Anyway, this incident has somehow changed me. After the problem came and i couldnt play any games, i sudenly became more quiet and lifeless in class. became easily irritated with my partner and talk much less to him. But i wasnt having depression, cos stuff like TV and even homework grew to interest me more. now after the comp is fixed, i still hardly talk to my partner and my newfound interest in studies still remain. Perhaps this whole thing was planned (not by me) to be of benefit to me. Its not good being a comp addict.

Signing off here.


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