
Midnight; not a sound from the pavement.
Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone.
In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan.
Memories, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days; I was beautiful then.
I remember the time i knew what happiness was
Let the memories live again.
This is part of the song 'memories' by Sarah Brightman.
I like the song. The music and the singer. Its not really meaningful, but its somewhat well written. just these 8 lines can paint out a clear picture of the scene the author is in.
My prediction is, she is probably an old woman sitting alone at midnight in a place where thers many trees around, has lamp posts and is in open air. I would say, a park. Gathering of fallen leaves depict neglect of the place. The moaning wind creates the aura of sorrow. She looks at the moon. Even though the moon seems to be smiling from above, she can sense the loneliness it feels by being up there all alone. Its a feeling they feel in common: loneliness.
Being alone in under the moonlight is also a very good condition to have self meditation. Its just u and nature. So she goes into meditation and her thoughts race back to her glorious younger days, when she used to be a beautiful lady and knew much joy and happiness in her life. She compares it back then to how it is now, and wishes that she could relive her memories.
Indeed, memories are precious belongings. They can remain with you forever, while some disappears not long after. Memories will be especially precious to old people. They have seen so many changes in life since their childhood days till date. The only thing that remains unchanged after things change are memories. They can remember their past joyful occasions, especially so when such occasions do happen anymore, or it has changed alot.
Memories of past mistakes and follies can be good or bad. it is said, the worst reason to live is to regret something. Memories of unwelcome events such as being kidnapped or raped, causing someone's death or regrets can haunt u for life. As much as u may want to, they cant be forgotten. On the other hand, it is also said, what doesnt kill u makes u stronger. u can learn from past mistakes and improve on it. This is more so for the young ones. As ppl grow older, they have less things to improve on. At the same time, more things become too late for them to regret. Regret while its still in time to solve it.
People who lose their memory through concussions or sth are so pitiful. Imagine waking up one day and realise u dunno what happened to u in your past and your origins... its like your past self has just died, and u reincarnated as a grown up. A colection of memories of past experiences can be compiled into a list that u can make conclusions from. Thats what i call cross referencing sources. haha. One can find solace in memories of joyful events. Simply thinking of them again can revive the joy. Just make sure that things did not change for the worse now, if not its gonna create sorrow instead, like for the songwriter. So, memory is a very precious and useful tool provided u use it well.
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