School Review
Nth much happened this week so ill do a 'special post'. this post is just for general sharing and information. I encourage all readers to post stuff like this too. so that we can know whats it like inside other schools, and our plights as students or ex-students.

i am now in class 4/2. total population of 39. Lotsa girls in my class. They outnumber boys 11 to 28! I noticed almost all the malay girls in the cohort are in my class. 8 in total. no malay boys. 6 indos. 1 indian, 1 chinagirl and 1 filipino. the rest sporean chinese. 1 boy n 5 girls r overweight. 8 girls r chio according to my judgement, which is very lenient.
Ok enuf of those stuff. my class is a so-called '2nd grade class.' apparently almost evry1 opted for science stream in sec2. so the better half of the express students get into 4/1 and the remainder make up 4/2. its quite a clear division. according to year end sec 3 results i was 8th in the class but 36th in the level. almost in the bottom half. I can see also; a lot of ppl in my class r not serious about their education. they fail badly and dun seem to care. many teachers have also commented my batch is one of the worst so far in history. if u were me, would u not be worried? So im starting to get eliteist as a preventive measure of not being assimilated into the community of slackers. Sounds harsh? wait till youre in my shoes.
I am now quite fenced up in school. i do not hang around after school or go sumwhere with frens. I also hardly talk. I think this is suits my introverted nature well. The guy sitting next to me in class used to be a good fren of mine. He is from the same class as me for all 4 years. We used to talk alot and sumtimes even share personal info. All his flaws and nonsense i knew and accepted for the past year or so. But recently i suddenly asked myself; whats so good abt a fren like him? It was like enlightenment. Here's some stuff abt him.
- He has terrible mood swings. one moment happy, another angry, another depressed... so it can be hard to relate to him.
- When hes in the 'happy' mood, he annoys me with his childish crap like purposely asking me lame or stupid qns and disturbing me (eg shaking my table when im writing.)
- I cannot be sure when hes serious or not unless he is really in a serious mood. When hes not serious, he may lie to me 'for fun'. and doesn correct it.
- When he is serious, he gets too serious. many times he accused me illogically and is very short tempered. he also likes to take revenge or make things difficult for me when hes not happy with me, whether im at fault or not. In short; very unreasonable.
- He has double standards. he does to others what he makes a big fuss out if it were done to him.
- he is unappreciative. after helping him so many times, he say im unhelpful when i do not help him. he will then list the ways he helped me, making them sound so great. but i helped him much more.
- He is one of the worst students in my class in terms of education. his L1R5 for midyears is 46. He sleeps or eats in class. his bag contains comics, snacks, sweets and CDs. he does last min studies just before tests. he rarely does holiday hw. his hw are either slipshod or copied from frens. sometimes i get slightly influenced by him. i have to occasionally 'reformat' myself.
The inspiration on how bad he was did not come out of the blue. i happened after he borrowed my eraser, lost it and dint bother to get it back. i had to remind him before he did, and it was gone. its been almost a month now and he hasnt bought me a new eraser on the excuse that he has no $. but he buys gundam toys and CDs. its not the eraser that matters. but i cant tolerate his attitude.
Im currently starting to befriend a group of girls. ppl think im flirting but i treat them just as friends. i seem to relate to them better than with the boys in my class. i hope im not aqua.
Looking ahead, my prelims are coming up in abt 3 weeks time. the last exam before the final showdown. still got lots to buck up on. the prelims will contain the full syllabus, so it shd be harder. But ill just stay cool and do my best. id appreci8 prayers for me. =)
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