ROD day #2
My days have been quite monotonous... still havn found a stable job to last my 2 months remaining. so.. nothing much to update about. BUT, i found out i havn done the continuation post on the ROD thing.
So here it is: the events of the next day, continued from ROD night #1
I woke up before 7. its been barely 5 hours of sleep, but thats very good compared to the rest of the ppl. I know most of the others stayed up much later. plus, from their sleeping conditions i could tell they couldnt have slept well either. I sneaked a few shots at some sleepers.
twin sharing of a tiny mattress.
Sleeping outdoors for fresh air. (this guy was really sleeping.)
All covered up. how to breathe? wasnt cold anyway.
Also, though the girls didnt mind me sleeping in their room, i could tell they were quite 'scared' of me. 2 of the girls slept in the further half of the queen size bed, leaving the nearer half empty. The other 2 squeezed into the mattress on the opposite side. I see absolutely no point for them to do that. doesnt make them any safer! haha.
I found this big tub of leftover mee siam sauce. The mixture separated into 4 different layers and it looked and smelled hideous. It was later dumped into the toilet bowl. haha.

When i went out of the room, there were alr a few guys outside, sitting around doing nth. The girls all got up quite early too. But in the guys room, there were still several of them sleeping like logs. those were really the heavy sleepers. The TV was left on the whole time through at volume 15! One of the boys played the hi-frequency sound on his HP but no1 woke up. So he proceeded to play some noisy track. still no response. Then i increased the TV volume to 20+ . still no response...UNTIL.... the national anthem video was played on th TV! haha! Those ppl r either really loyal citizens, or they really hate the anthem. i guess its the latter cos theyre forced to sing it every morning of school!
After everyone woke up and done their washing up, we played more cards for the next few hours while some went swimming at the pool on the compound entrance rooftop, or buy some junk food from the nearby shops for breakfast. i found a cup of leftover kachang puteh n had it for breakfast. at about 10.30 we had to help tidy n clear up the place n pack up all the stuff. By 11 we checked outta the chalet.
I didnt delay or detour from there. i walked to the MRT station n went home. a really long and boring journey, taking almost an hour. i tried stopping an mrt stop early n take a bus home, then i found that no bus there takes me home, so i had to walk home from there. I reached home all tired, exhausted and dehydrated.
Then i remembered that my friend was going off to malaysia that day n he wanted to borrow my novel but havn done so. so i called him, n he said he was alr at the airport, n asked me to go all the way to changi! if i known, i could have just made it there by 4 stops from pasir ris. now i wasted a long trip back, n gotta make another long, boring trip to changi! He wasnt gonna be back till next year n he offered to treat me lunch, but still i dunno y i agreed to go. perhaps it was cos he was so poor-thing that only 1 other fren was there to c him off. We went to burger king for lunch n i ordered the most expensive meal there: double whopper meal upsized. I had to make my trip as worth as possible! haha.
I had spent about 5 hours travelling around n i was never so tired before. i reached home in the evening. but, i somehow didnt feel like sleeping. cant sleep anyway. its too late and too early to sleep. (if u noe what i mean.) I held on for a few more hours, then i had a nice sleep. i slept for 10 hours.
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