
Sunday, July 04, 2010

Whats up?

1. This is a sight i came across at Woodlands after my music class.

No he is not dead or injured or whatever. He is listening to his MP3 and trying to sleep, on a public stairway at a not so quiet time, also trying to ignore everyone around. People were walking past every few seconds, casting disgusted or disdained looks at him. Some avoided him; some going halfway up and seeing him, would turn down and go up the other side. He was seen not just like dirt, but more like filth. I wonder why he chose to sleep in such an awkward place, awkward position to attract such negative attention. thats not up to me to speculate.

What could i have done in reaction to this situation? it just made me wonder. I pray that we wont end up like this man, and neither would we be like that woman who just walked right past without a care.

2. I have seriously, significantly gained weight. I have gained weight during my time in America, and the same amount again within 2 months of coming back. But the biggest weight gain i believe would be in the past 2 months; and i have not weighed myself since.
I need no weighing scale - my pants can testify for it. One pair i wore in USA fitted comfortably, but is now bursting from my figure and unable to button. A pair or jeans i bought was too big despite being the smallest available, it would just fall off without a belt, but not anymore now.

People say the way to lose weight is to eat less, exercise more. Yes i have been eating more and not being hesitant to ever since i went to Disney, but i didnt gain much weight until, i started exercising! Yes it was all for the sake of Napfa that i trained more seriously - and the result is that it made me big. Though its a large consolation that i put on mostly muscle, i have irreversibly destroyed the petite figure i once had. Hahah.

3. The first time i talked to my parents regarding staying over in YWAM base during weekdays, i was met with an immediate strong objection. The objection mainly came from my dad.
The next time, i talked to my dad alone. I thought it would be better to talk to them separately, so that they wont influence each other against me. He still firmly maintained his stand, shrugging aside any explainations i give, and holding to his hardline statement: "youre part of this family, this is your home, as far as it is possible, you stay here."

Then i tried talking to my mom. And she went to sit with my dad, then asked me to talk! So no choice, i was prepared to have my dad hear the conversation and throw in his negative comments and skew my mom's thoughts away from me.
But that was not the case.
I realised, my mom was never against it. She never really said anything for or against it. She was neutral, and wanted to consider between mine and my dad's views. So i said my piece, and surprisingly, my dad kept quiet until i finished.
Then he said, "i guess it would be a good learning experience for you. But make sure you really learn something useful when youre there..."
He totally made do without his stand that he so firmly held to the previous time!
Indeed, God is mighty to change people and soften their hearts, mystically and miraculously! Thats also a sign that i should be staying in YWAM after all.

4. I have joined in with an initiative among the go-fest team to fast from a certain something for 40 days, until the time of go-fest. Without needing much thinking, i decided i would fast from activities after midnight - cause it was something ive been regularly doing and i know its not very good. many times it just goes out of control.

It has been so far so good, though suffering slight withdrawal symptoms when i feel the urge to do sth more before i sleep. However, i can see a greater struggle coming, as i would have to miss the World Cup Finals!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh......

Ive already been missing the 2.30am matches and feeling quite sour about it. But at least i got to watch the 10pm ones (like the very exciting match between germany and argentina). This time, its the finals! the ultimate, biggest, supposedly most exciting match of the whole game - and its at 2.30am!
Well, discipline comes with a cost. Endure the pain to train myself for worse ones to come. Some i foresee include the go-fest bunch having fun late into the night. Enjoy without me, guys! .....


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