
Monday, February 11, 2008

CNY 08

This year's visitations was better than last year. i met with my mom's side relatives twice, and i visited quack. plus there was the special mass visitations among my mom's DG. But of course, it was better back a few years, before my grandaunt and great grand stepmother passed away.

I finaly opened my ang pows which i left in a stack on my table. The amount isnt very bad, but definitely less than last year, cos my grandparents suddenly became poorer and i missed one of my rich relatives. i also realised 3 angpows r missing. not that i counted them earlier, but i count the number of relatives who gave to me.

i think im getting too old to get angpows from some ppl. a few who usually gave me in the previous years refrained this time. one of them being pastor henry. perhaps those ppl really do know my age. my not so close relatives and friends are always understating my age. so irritaing.

why is there no church events for cny? like previously the bringing mandrin oranges to the nearby hdb estates...

during dinner, the song "love today" by mika was repeatedly playing in my head. then when i said grace before eating, i accidentally said "thank you, Lord, for the love today!"
haha. i think that would be more appropriate, cos the love includes more than providing us with food, but many other things that we should give thanks for too.


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Sdoru-ll-urodS!: CNY 08