
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today is the halfway mark of my time here with Disney.
I am exactly halfway through my program.
Time check; it has been 68 days since i left Singapore.
and yes, 68 more days remain before my program ends. though it would be more than 68 days before i return to Singapore soil.
on one train of thought, so much has happened and i have experienced so much already during this 68 days. and there is yet another 68 days to come, where i can double the experience.
but on another train of thought, things are becoming routine and its more or less the same thing.
so actually i would expect to experience less new things in the next half than the first half.
but i would never know, what God may have in store for me.
i am confident there will still be much changes to take place, and more new experiences to come.

today at work, my coordinator went crazy. i dont know what happened to him, he is usually a really nice guy and he even attended the Mickey's christmas party in MK as a guest yesterday, with his friends. its funny to have your coordinator one day becoming your guest another day.
Today, he went extra hard on all the people doing closing. nitpikcing to the highest degree, and even giving us new tasks that closers are not normally supposed to do, such as scrubbing off the sauce stains from the underside of trash cans. we had to stay on for almost an hour extra before he finally let us go. but before we left, he actually told us all to help ourselves to the leftover cookies and carror cakes in the cooler! he's really gone crazy - he doesnt even have the authrority to authorize us taking the cookies and cakes, which would be normally be stealing of restaurant property. but we didnt care; all of us just rushed to grab some desserts and soon the trays were all empty. i finally got to try the carrot cake only now, even after seeing them everyday. its nice to have your coordinator go crazy sometimes. i hope he'll be fine soon.


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