Interesting facts & events cont'd
Finally, my full collection of state quarters is complete! for more than a week that elusive Maine coin has been avoiding me and leaving my collection incomplete.
then last night, i bought something from the dispenser machine. i got back 5 cents change. i realised i had 2 dimes in my wallet, so i combined them all into a quarter. then trying to get a coin for my 2nd collection, i exchanged that quarter several times. after so many futile tries, i decided to just take the next coin and go.
So i did, and lo and behold, the coin was.. Maine.
2 days ago, one of my colleagues got terminated from the program because he accumulated 3 property offences... the last one was because he signed in another colleague as visitor to his apartment, but she failed to leave by 1am. both of them gets an offence.
termination is like such a serious and big deal. all of us colleagues were so concerned for him and threw a farewell party for him which i didnt go. (actually its more like a termination party cause he aint leaving.). immediately after being terminated, all his IDs are being confiscated so that he cannot take any disney bus, enter any park or even his apartment except to pack up and leave. he cant stay over at any of the disney apartments either.
now he is looking for a place to stay nearby, like rent an apartment or sth. his good friend roommate is also going to move out of the disney apartment and join him there, but continue to work in disney until the end of the program. he has a car so its possible. such is the great convenience. but being faced with such a big sum to fork out at once, several of us colleagues actually donated money to help them out. Only now did i realise that my group of colleagues is such a tight knit community.
even during the operating day, the restaurant faces very fluctuating demand... during the lunch hour all the counters are opened, and even then there are long queues at each. tables are packed and they overspill to the next restaurant's seats. then it quickly begins to die down and by 4pm it is down to 3 counters with a few guests in line. funny that the kitchen window also has fluctuations... in that small space where the food orders from the kitchen is dished out for the fillers to collect and serve to guests at the counter, it could get totally filled up with trays of food in the busy periods, and even with like 4 fillers frantically serving orders, the food keeps piling. but then at one point, suddenly the window clears and becomes empty... and then another wave of food comes shortly after. i dont understand whats happening, cause the kitchen staff prepare the orders in a regular motion too.
on one incident, a kitchen staff put the tray too far in the window, a little too far to reach. so the chef gave the tray a push; it slid all the way across the greasy metal window surface and came tumbling onto the floor on this side! the worse thing is, it was witnessed by many guests in line. some were shocked, but the counter staff including me were laughing. and of course that chef got a good scolding.
i am starting to get increased work hours a week. more money but more stress. as i stay longer, the number of hours are expected to increase.
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