
Friday, January 09, 2009

update 8/1

Think while you still have me, act while you still see me. you'll be sorry when i'm gone.

part of some song lyrics. gives me a reminder of all those less fortunate people in the community who are struggling with daily life, and more importantly the lost, unsaved souls that we see around us. time is of essence, and they wont have all the time in the world to wait for us to save them. we are going on mission trips to help the needy in material needs, but what they need much more is the spiritual need. we actually dont need to go far to find these needy ones. or they may not even know they are in need. what i need now is opportunities. right now my schedule looks favourable to go for the mission trip in june. staying hopeful!

last night, i had great fall. shall not say how it happened, just that a few more seconds and i could have met a road accident. my laptop in my bag was the cause of my fall, but it made up for it by breaking my fall (with the help of books) so i didnt really injure other parts of the body except my knee which hit the ground before my bag. and so i ended up with a really swollen knee which cant bend, which also means i have to limp with a straight leg.

today i had project meeting before lessons. woke up late, had to rush off, limped to the bus stop, and just missed bus.
i was sure gonna be late, so i decided to take taxi. there was some ppl in front, the cab came very soon but i let them take it cos theyre there first. the next several minutes, many cabs drove past, but all hired.
then one available one came by, but it was a special model that i didnt recognise as a taxi until it went away.
then the bus came again, and i decided to take it. i hurried after it, and it just ignored me because it was packed full! my patience was expiring and i was already late...
i went back to the taxi area. then 2 vacant cabs came by and i thought finally i can get a cab. but to my exasperation, they both went past me and stopped to pick up those passengers waiting behind me! i couldnt believe it..
a few minutes later the alternate bus finally came, and though it would take a longer ride than cab, i didnt care, i was already late anyhow.
and i took the bus ride, was fortunate this time when the transfer bus came immediately. still, in the end i arrived 20mins late.
my group mates specifically told me not to be late for the meeting before that, and i was preparing to get scolded.
but hey, God will bring you out of the messes that He puts you in.
so guess what... except for the girl who wont scold me, the rest were all even later!!
so i just keep quiet and they wont know what time i arrived. haha.
God has a good sense of humor i can see. and through this i guess He is teaching me to be to practice punctuality and making allowances for all these things that could happen. its about time.

yesterday when i went to my groupmate's house for projects, we all went to use her faulty weighing scale to measure our weights. apparently, they said that when measured on that scale, they became lighter by 1 or 2kg. So then i have been wanting to weigh myself for a long time cos i havent weighed myself ever since i moved house and the weighing scale got left behind. i really felt like i had gained weight since, have been eating more and stuff, but to my surprise, the scale showed the same weight as last measured ... which means i actually lost weight! oh man, now i think theres something wrong with me.
this is the first time ever that i have had a total of less than 24 hours of sleep within the past 5 days. but i am surprisingly able to survive through and stay awake and do my work, and without falling sick. the first sign symptom is coming up though.. sore throat. tonight is the time to recover my lost sleep... i hope.


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